Professor Michele Forman of the Anderson’s Department of Epidemiology, in the University of Texas, Houston, emphasizes the importance of the cancer’s prevention, that is cheaper than his treatment and that can partly to achieve through five also cheap and accessible measures to all (source: Medical news Today, of August 6). Five measures are the following:
1. DAILY PHYSICAL EXERCISE. At least 30 minutes of low intensity exercise to moderate, five or more days a week, according to the level out of person. Forty-five to sixty minutes are still better. It Can be initiate, if the person in question did not do usually physical exercise, for few minutes and to increase gradually.
2. EATING MORE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. That contain many vitamins, minerals and fiber that help to be prevented the cancer.
3. DO NOT SMOKE. The tobacco is the great cause prevenible acquaintance of cancer.
4. TAKING THE SUN CAREFULLY. The sun is the great skin cancer cause. Use cutaneous solar protectors and glasses of sun to protect eyes.
5. GET REGULAR CHECK-UPS BY THE PRACTITIONER PERIODICALLY. Intestine cancers, breast and cervical (womb) are very curable in his early phases and they can to detect through effective tests. FEFOC advises these measures to elderly people. Years ago, when the life expectancy was relatively short, seemed that older people could not do nothing to avoid the cancer, for little time of available life. Nowadays, the life expectancy has been lengthened of a spectacular way, which is why all these five measures are valid to all ages.
The rates of treatment of the cancer have increased, specially in those of breast, prostate and colon. In spite of these positive tendencies as far as survival, it is important to consider that a diagnosis of cancer and its treatment can imply a faster declivity of the functionality of the individual, a loss in the quality of life and an increase in the costs of the sanitary care, as well as a loss of independence. This is clearer in age people outpost, who, in fact are the one who mean most of the survivors by cancer. The application of programs destined to restore healthful styles of life in cured people of cancer, could diminish these risks but this as soon as outpost has studied in age people. In this sense, recently, a work of the University School of Infirmary of Durham has been published, NC, in the United States. In particular, it leads east work Dense Clutter Snyder and other collaborators. The program that they have designed calls RENEW that corresponds to the following thing: Reach to ENhancE Wellness, with the double sense that “renew” means to renew in English. This program consists of proving that an intervention focused to the restoration of exercise, a low fat diet, cradle in vegetables, can improve the physical operation of age people outpost who have suffered cancer of breast, prostate or colon. The results show that the surviving population of cancer, in this case of age outpost, is vulnerable and that an intervention based on the implantation of healthful styles of life can be adapted. Program RENEW can provide a guide with whom to maximize the resources assigned to this so needed part the population and so difficult sometimes to reach. This work is published in the magazine psycho-oncology of April of this year, pages 427-439.
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